First of all i want to wish everyone a safe Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
This is a H&K MP5 A5 Semi auto and Full auto electric system air soft gun by Tokyo Marui.

The Contents:
1 MP5 A5
1 SMG magazine
A lot of 6mm bullets
(batteries not included)
1 Catalog book
1 Instruction
1 Safety warning leaflet
3 Target papers
The airsoft gun is currently in K.L.I can't bring this with me because i was going to Singapore before Brunei so my grandparents who's currently in K.L will help me bring in this to Brunei.YAY!

You can pull back this thing that does nothing but only to give it a more realistic look.This thing is made of metal too...

You can switch from safe,semi to auto which is cool...

Fully automatic shots

Instruction on the side of the magazine on how to insert the 6mm pellets and how to load the air soft gun.

Lock & Loaded

This thing is also retractable by pushing the metal above the mm print...

It needs 6 alkaline batteris to work,never use batteries other than alkaline batteries or it will burn the motors inside.The batteries are well hidden inside the smg.

In order to shoot this button needs to be pressed and hold before pulling the trigger.Just another safety feature

The nozzel is made of aluminium.

See Excellent Accuracy,just aim and fire guarentee kena haha...

The cover of the catalog book featuring M1911A1 and MP7A1.

The first page shows their latest products.(These are automatic electric air soft gun;as written on each page)

Assult rifles,SMG's,Rifles prices range from ¥25,800 to ¥46,800.I know its very expensive.(automatic electric air soft gun)

More assult rifles,SMG's and sniper rifles.

These are their handgun products.they even have a Samurai Edge from Resident evil which cost ¥16,800 and a Socom Mk23 from Metal Gear .(It is expensive but this are not your ordinary gun these are
gas blow back system air soft gun which means that each time it fires the upper part of the gun slides back)

The above pictures features the Bolt action soft air rifles.
The lower pictures features some revolver(gas air soft revolver) and also some shotguns and a tactical launcer like what John Connor use(Soft air shot gun)

Some more hand guns(soft air hand gun series) now this is the type of air guns that you usually find in Brunei.Prices are fairly cheap ranging from ¥1,900 to ¥2,900,but the problem is how to ship into Brunei?
The right page shows more SMG's and rifles(soft air SMGs & rifles series)

Left page shows more hand guns(this time an electric blow backsystem soft air gun series
On the right page shows my SMG and a Colt M4A1(automatic elecric system soft air gun "boys"series)both cost ¥6,800.
Last but not least the mini version of various guns(also automatic electric system soft air gun series).These babies cost about ¥6,800.
You can visit their site
Thanks for viewing...
Soon MG Exia Ignition(part2),Stay tune...