Moving on to his torso

Marked the area for the extra panel lines

After spray painting,waiting for the paint to dry ,unfortunately i accidentally drop his not yet dry body and damaged the un-dried paint.But luckily i repainted the damaged parts oledi hehehe
Woot Sagittarius + Evaritus = Evatarius hahaha ! How kebetulan my zodiac was that !
ReplyDeleteAnyway those line still messy hor, ^^" Slowly boss ! Later spoil those hardwork susah lah.
Haiz, 1 can tamiya clear color cost MYR29 here, dang.
@ faris: woo........makin cantik kerja tgn ngko.Tabik spring ('toing') ^^; . Aku ada bukak chatroom baru kat blog aku. silalah dtg masuk. awak org pertama yg saya jemput dlm chatroom tu ^^; (bru buat post kat blog aku hari ni sebab baru habis exam . Dtglah jenguk blog aku. sori krana langsung xhntr post. special kali adalah aku hantar 2 post skaligus)
ReplyDelete@Evaritus Lau,Sorry bro for the spelling mistake.Thats Cheap kan
ReplyDelete@Mangyver,Terima kasih bro terharu saya hehehe
Macam mane nak msuk chat room tu,blank je
Blank ka? kalo macam tu pakai link ni:
Aku ada mlm ni kat chatroom tu. dtglah
sori, bos. laptop aku tiba2 padam T_T
ReplyDeleteTak pe
ReplyDeletekalo nak chat lagi nanti aku bagitau kat comment ngko sbl kol 6 ptg cam tu ^_^. aku kadang-kadang dapat bukak internet